Clear consortium
A research network investigating the genetic causes of EA - join the collaboration.

EAT is the federation of family support groups which focus on sharing experiences, disseminating information and raising awareness of the EA condition.
EAT pursues exclusively and directly charitable and non-profit objectives, as is the case with all its member associations.

The International Society for Disease of the Esophagus iorganizes the World Congress for Esophageal Diseases. INoEA is an associated society to ISDE.
The OA Kid’s Story: A Story Book Explaining Oesophageal Atresia for Children
A story book for children with Oesophageal Atresia that answers the question “why am I different?” The OA Kid’s Story explains OA-TOF and its complications, investigations, treatments and medical and surgical procedures to young children in a superhero comic-style format. The book helps children and families can gain a better understanding of the condition, reducing anxiety and stress and improving quality of life.
ERNICA is the European Reference Network for Rare Inherited Congenital Anomalies was officially established in March 2017 and is one of 24 European Reference Networks co-funded by the European Union (Health Programme). ERNICA involves teams from 20 European hospitals from 10 Member States.
FIMATHO’s vocation is to facilitate and coordinate actors implicated in care of rare abdominothoracic diseases in France.